Wednesday, August 10, 2011 CEO Uses BROKER To Sale His Home

By Mon Sherie, Contributor

Colby Sambrotto the former CEO and founder of tried for six months to sell his 2,000 square foot New York condo on his own using online classified ads and FSBO sites but after no luck or takes he opted to hire a BROKER.

His decision to ditch the Do it yourself route and to hire a Real Estate BROKER led to multiple offers and closing over $150,000 over the original asking price.  The Wall Street Journal reported that the listing sold for $2.15 million including a 6% commission.

This story goes to show that using a REALTOR is probably one of the smartest things to do when it comes to selling your home.  80?% of FSBO’s eventually have to list with an Real Estate agent to get their house sold…cause it’s harder then what it looks.

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