Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Buying A Home In Today's Market With No Money Down Or No Credit!

The real estate market has definitely changed and has made buying a home harder, but that does not mean that you CAN'T buy a home if you are unable to meet today's real estate buying criteria!!  With stricter credit criteria and larger down payments a home buyer may be wondering how they can finance their dreams of being a homeowner. 

This tip I present is not necessarily a new tip, it actually has been around for a long while and is usually used by investors as a way to secure properties without money or credit.  There are so many creative ways to own a home; the trick is that you have to think outside the traditional box of buying a home and research, research!  Good Luck!

Tip #1  Seller Financing, Lease Options – Take title to the property subject to the seller’s existing mortgage., getting a seller to carry the financing or lease optioning are just some of the ways to do no money or no credit deals!

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